Monday, March 25, 2013

Issue Eight, Volume Five

From the Desk of the Editor;

Hello and welcome to the last Larks Fiction Magazine... for now. After a long debate with myself and staff it has become aparent that we haven't been able to give the time the magazine and it's creative contributors need. So for now we will be closing down.
This isn't good bye forever—just for now. We feel that when we can fully give the attention that a magazine needs we will start afresh.
What this means right now is that if you have not recieved any letter or response back from our editors (outside of the automatic response) please consider your story, poem, art, or other creative work open for submitting else where.
We will still strive to create the artist bio page, finish the emagazines, and a few other small projects that we promised to complete. There will still be a Larks Media, but for the time being no magazine.
Thank you for the wonderful time we shared. I will personally never forget the tales I have read and the friends I have made.
Daniel J. Pool
Ex-LFM Editor


  1. Beautiful. I love clouds-at-dusk shots, and the stories will live on in the great archival cloud in the internet sky. Thanks for the good reads Dan.

  2. Thanks for publishing my story Star Heart. All the best for the future :)


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